While 十大体育外围平台排名 teachers have engaged our students for over 255 years, our motivations 和 methods for seeking engagement have evolved dramatically since our founding. Teachers 和 students now have equal, instant access to facts 和 content. While 教师 are no longer in sole possession of the keys necessary to unlock the world of knowledge, gifted ones are still indispensable in drawing our children toward that world. The 教师 demonstrate a 真正的 love of 学习 with 和 from their charges. 这是21世纪的约定.
在一个明显重视创新的世纪, 企业家精神, 创造力, 和发明, engaging students is undoubtedly urgent work not just as a means to a future, successful end; in fact, 它在学生的生活中创造了立竿见影的好处. GA和美国众多学校的数据显示,真正投入的学生也更健康, 更快乐的人类.
遗传算法是 not on the engagement b和wagon; our teachers are leading the way. 我们是敬业精神的开拓者. 通过鼓励我们的学生追求他们的激情,并在他们想要或更好的是需要学习的东西上表达他们的声音, we seek to create a generation of learners who will strive to do what they love because they love what they do.
在一起, our students 和 教师 actively defined the critical components of engagement which appear to the right. Inspiring this thriving community of engaged learners is how we will best fulfill our lofty mission. 我们将为学生融入周围的世界做好准备, 和, 最重要的是, 快乐地生活, 健康的生活,他们是自己的作者, 真正的, 自主的成功.
读 以小册子形式提供完整的战略远景.